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Re: Use of TXT is rather conclusively a good idea.

2004-05-19 08:26:34

Matthew Elvey wrote:

On 5/18/2004 5:18 PM, Eric A. Hall sent forth electrons to convey:

Reusing TXT is bad engineering.

Such a statement, unsupported by facts, has no place here; if you are going to refuse to argue your point or against the points made, why are you here?

I would highly recommend to split the discussion into two separate sections: what goes into a MARID record and how it is formatted. Therefore, I think that putting the discussion of how to format the data (which RR) might be a bit premature since we haven't narrowed down what exact data goes into the record.

Yakov Shafranovich / asrg <at>
SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc. / research <at>
"Some lies are easier to believe than the truth" (Dune)