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Re: New Drafts being developed; invitation to join spf-discuss

2004-05-25 08:22:33

On May 25, 2004, at 9:53 AM, wayne wrote:
I respectively disagree.

I understand your concern.

It is not that we are telling Meng he cannot consult with the participants of the spf-discuss list. He is certainly free to do so. I would also expect that Harry and Jim will be consulting with their own advisors within Microsoft. However, Meng cannot speak on behalf of the participants of the spf-discuss list because all IETF participants are treated as individuals.

Additionally, participants of MARID should not feel that they must join spf-discuss in order to contribute to a MARID work item. So topics relating to the new converged spf/caller-id proposal raised on this list should not be dismissed.
