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SPF, New-SPF, SPF-Classic, SPF-ID, Sender-ID, Marid-core, etc.

2004-07-01 07:54:41

In <1786510180(_dot_)20040701210853(_at_)brandenburg(_dot_)com> Dave Crocker 
<dhc(_at_)dcrocker(_dot_)net> writes:

1. Which specification are you referring to, for the latter? The
current candidates for names that folks from the SPF camp have been
using are SPF, Unified SPF, SPF Classic and Sender ID. I might have
missed one. In any event, none of those names appear as any working
group document

The SPF proposal was submitted quite a while ago, I have no idea where
it went to.  The Sender-ID proposal is the same as the "marid-core"

I can understand the confuse here.  Most of the problem is due to the
idea merging of SPF and Caller-ID before a name for the merged spec
was thought up.

Anyway, here is the run down:


This is the original SPF spec and has been around for quite a while.
The spec was supposed to have been submitted (along with DMP, FSV, LMAP
and RMX(?)) and wase once found on the MARID charter webpage as input
documents.  It can be found at

The "SPF-classic" is a play on the "New Coke"/"Coke Classic" thing,
since the merged SPF/C-ID proposal was first tagged with the "New SPF"

merged SPF and Caller-ID/New-SPF/SPF-ID/Sender-ID/MARID-core

This was the spec announced at the interim meeting.  See:


This doesn't have an I-D yet and is a fairly new proposal.  The idea
is outlined/discussed at

Basically, it acknowledges that SPF-classic checks the 2821.FROM and
optionally the 2821.HELO and Sender-ID checks the
2822.From:/Sender:/etc.  Since proposals based on the SPF syntax and
semantics have already been used to cover most of the identities, it
is thought that will a few tweaks, the same system can cover basically
all the identities so far discussed.

Actually, the idea of using SPF records to cover many identities has
long been a goal by many of the SPF crowd and gets raised by various
people who don't realize that it has been suggested before.  The
Unified-SPF proposal is really just the natural evolution of SPF.

**** Score card of terms for this mailing list  ****

When reading this mailing list, it appears to be very uniform that
references to "SPF-classic" mean the original SPF proposal, as
outlined in the I-D mentioned above.  Almost all of the references to
"SPF" appear to be references to the same thing.

References to the term Sender-ID appear to uniformly mean the
marid-core/submitter proposal.

References to the term Unified-SPF appear to uniformly mean the
Unified-SPF proposal.
