On 7/7/2004 4:54 AM, Dave Crocker wrote:
Especially when removing the targetted behavior will do nothing to
reduce the core problem. That is, none of this will reduce spam.
I don't think the results have to be binary for them to be useful,
especially if the benefits are only sold as incidental.
"Spammers will move to other domains" is a reasonable long-term viewpoint
but on the other hand the spammers aren't that smart in the short-term,
and there is some question about their intelligence over longer views as
well. I mean, I still get plenty of dumbasses using localhost as their
HELO identifier (rejected immediately) which everybody knows is easy to
block and easy for spammers to adapt around (but they still do it), or
using non-existent domains in their envelope sender addresses, or ...
Lots of things that work well today are "easy to get around by doing X
instead of Z", and yet the spammers keep on doing Z anyway.
Eric A. Hall http://www.ehsco.com/
Internet Core Protocols http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/coreprot/