On Wednesday, July 14, 2004 5:22 PM, Mark Lentczner wrote
All -
Regarding the issues of licensing and intellectual property:
1) It has been my understanding that any technology that
Microsoft has claims to would be made available with zero
royalty licensing terms that are compatible with open source
development and distribution including GNU licenses and OSF
approved licenses. If this is the case and the license bears
it out, then I have no objections to such an arrangement. If
this is not the case, I am confident Microsoft will clarify
their intentions.
2) Since the IPR disclosure filed by Microsoft for the
Caller-ID draft doesn't indicate what portion of the draft is
covered (section V(C) is blank), and since only parts of that
draft have been incorporated into the marid-core draft, I
would like to ask that Microsoft clarify which portions of
the marid-core they have patents pending for.
- Mark
Mark Lentczner
A perfectly reasonable request. I'm working with our attorneys now to
draft an answer.