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Re: So here it is one year later...

2005-01-27 18:48:00

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Gordon Fecyk wrote:

...since the first rumblings of talking about a working group, and there's
been no press on MARID since the breakup of said working group.  No press
from Microsoft, no press from the SPF crowd, no press from anyone.

The working group broke up because of unresolvable technical problems.

And no instructions included on how to compile, install, or use what little
software is available out there.  Except for the few commercial (and
expensive) offerings by GFi.

If you aren't a developer of SPF, probably you shouldn't be using SPF.

What gives?  Has the whole world lost complete interest in stopping spam?  Is
spyware really the next big threat to the Internet that the US Congress is
looking at legislation for it but not bothering with spam anymore?

No, the world has just realized that SPF doesn't work, and won't stop
spam, nor stop forgery. In its present form, SPF does nothing except
create more opportunities for email abuse, and promotes spam and email
abuse.  Most people are interested in things that work. Fewer are
interested in making things worse.


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