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Re: Preliminary V4 RSA key support added. But I can't test...

1998-04-03 21:34:51
On Fri, 3 Apr 1998, Jon Callas wrote:

Nonetheless, this sounds like a bug in 5.0.


One note is that SSLeay and OpenPGP label the P and Q RSA constants the
reverse of each other.  Normally it doesn't matter, but if you use the
extension with D mod Q-1 and D mod P-1 for the SSLeay structure you need
to get these right. 

Also I see it says in the spec,

P < Q

Which may explain why it is reversed.

But it still doesn't interoperate with PGP 5.0.  I may still have a
problem with my secring format (but the pubring V4 format seems to work

Worse, pgpe also encrypts using one of my keys (pgpk says it is fine too),
but I can't decrypt it - pgpv acts the same.


Type Bits KeyID    Created    Expires    Algorithm       Use
sec   512 331A8FBD 1998-04-04 ---------- RSA             Sign and Encrypt
f16    Fingerprint16 = AF F7 A7 54 6F EB 62 C1  72 86 90 BA 18 0E D6 64
uid  RSAKey

(it can say sec+ if I set it to axiomatic, but it still does the same


Message is encrypted.
Cannot decrypt message.  It can only be decrypted by:
   512 bits, Key ID 331A8FBD, Created 1998-04-04

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