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Re: Keep Alive Response Codes

2005-09-15 08:58:14

Tony Finch wrote:
I'm somewhat baffled by this discussion
What is not clear about the following text?
   1yz   Positive Preliminary reply
   [Note: SMTP does not have any commands that allow this
    type of reply, and so does not have the continue or
    abort commands.]

LOL.  So far for this "feature" in 821, and the 2821 text is:

| Note: unextended SMTP does not have any commands that allow
| this type of reply, and so does not have continue or abort
| commands.

If you want to add keepalives, write an ESMTP service 

It's good enough to know that 1yz doesn't exist in "unextended
SMTP", and that didn't change in 2821bis -00.  Maybe the 123-
example in this section should be changed to 220- (before the
123 triggers more obscure ideas).

                          Bye, Frank