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Re: 2821 5yz Typo - Client Retry Gaffe (fixed in 2821bis)

2008-08-09 23:08:56

On Sat, 2008-08-09, Hector Santos wrote:


which was fixed and corrected in 2821bis:

    When an SMTP server returns a temporary error status (4yz)
    code after the DATA command is completed with <CRLF>.<CRLF>,
    it MUST NOT make a subsequent attempt to deliver that message.
    The SMTP client retains responsibility for delivery of that
    message and may either return it to the user or requeue it for
    a subsequent attempt (see Section

The 2821 version was simple a typo with the 5yz code. The correction 
in 2821bis is reflective of the current framework.

As I read this paragraph from 2821bis, the first sentence is a requirement
on the SERVER. That is, the server is not allowed to do anything further
with a message that it has returned a temporary error (4xy) to the CLIENT
in response to the DATA command. This is because the responsibility for the
message remains with the client.

The second sentence, however, says the the client may then retry if it
wants to.

There is no contradiction here! Only a clarification of the duties of
different ends of the dialog.

Bill McQuillan <McQuilWP(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com>

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