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Re: IPv6: Past mistakes repeated?

2000-05-07 14:50:02
On Sun, 7 May 2000, Keith Moore wrote:

the core will support v6 when it makes economic sense - i.e. when
top tier ISPs can save enough on bandwidth and support costs (as compared 
to tunneling) to make the investment worthwhile.  which is not to
say that some major ISPs won't support IPv6 before then.

We came up with a wacky idea here yesterday at Interop... Why not
accelerate v6 deployment by writing a virus that will upgrade
end-stations' stacks? :)

That will give us the pervasive deployment needed to convince the ISPs to
upgrade the core. The "upgrade" that the virus propagates can do
gratuitous tunneling until it discovers that the infrastructure between it
and the rest of the world has been upgraded.

I mean, let's at least turn this (W)insecure liability into _some_ kind of
asset :)

(yes, any such toy would need to include a raft of known exploits for
various Unices, so we can include them in the "upgrade") :)

   Tripp Lilley  *  tripp(_at_)perspex(_dot_)com  *
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