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Re: IETF Wireless LAN history

2000-06-29 12:30:03
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 15:11:29 EDT, John Stracke <francis(_at_)ecal(_dot_)com>  
Don't be silly.  We can't kill people for that.  We'll shoot the *devices*.

If 100 people buy offending devices, you use 100 bullets right away.  And that
only solves the problem until they find a way to contact
and order new ones - at which point you need 100 more bullets.

Or you can use *one* bullet, and watch the other 99 devices get disconnected
very quickly ;)

For some reason, my manager hasn't approved this technique as a cost-cutting
move - I'm not sure why... ;)

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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