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Re: Deja Vu

2001-03-22 15:50:02
On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:

At 12:52 PM -0500 3/22/01, William Allen Simpson wrote:
None of the Mac folks I've talked to have had any success with the
wireless DHCP.  We have to hand configure.

You to set the ssid for the network you're on, it's not broadcast on this
network. so yeah it doesn't work with no configuration but it does
work.... I experience dsome minor hiccups using pumpd on linux but not
since sunday...

You must run in a different circle of IETF Mac users. None of the
many that I know (including me) had any problem.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Joel Jaeggli                                   
Academic User Services                       
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