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Re: Why IPv6 is a must?

2001-11-28 11:30:03
If it hides the IP address of your fridge, wouldn't that impair anyone from
drinking your milk?  

it also impairs *you* from drinking your milk from another part of the 
network,  even if you have a milk transfer protocol (MTP) client on your
PDA :) 

or even if you're in the same room as the fridge but your PDA's network 
connection is through a wide area wireless network rather than the house

If access to the resource is blocked using NAT, then isn't that aspect 
of security inherent to NAT?

two things: 

1. NAT blocks all external access even though you typically want to allow 
some kinds of external access.  that's not good security because it's
too coarse-grained.

2. the fact that NAT blocks external access doesn't justify NAT.
if you want to block all external access, you can do this more 
easily (and more reliably) without NAT.


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