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Re: Plenaries at IETF 53

2002-01-18 08:20:03

Squeezing time out of turnip...


There has been some suggestion about having a working meeting after the Sunday reception. I'm inclined to think that trying to have it afterwards (after socializing and alcohol) is problematic.

        But what about having a 90-120 minute plenary
        immediately BEFORE the Sunday reception?

Besides technical presentations, IANA report and the like, it could include the IAB time, since the IAB is about 'strategic' issues. (Having the IESG later in the week is useful since it can reflect operational issues that might have cropped up.)

Dave Crocker  <mailto:dcrocker(_at_)brandenburg(_dot_)com>
Brandenburg InternetWorking  <>
tel +1.408.246.8253;  fax +1.408.273.6464

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