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RE: Plenaries at IETF 53

2002-01-17 15:10:02
John Klensin wrote:
* Should we continue with the two-plenary model?  Should we do
so at every IETF, or consider some sort of periodic or
occasional schedule?

Yes, but move the Social to Sunday after the Reception so the IAB slot
can be done Tuesday.

* If so, should we continue with IESG on Wednesday and IAB on
Thursday, or should we alternate them (or adopt some more
radical schedule change -- probably too late for Minneapolis at
this point).

(see above)

* Do you have major architectural themes that should be
addressed during the next IAB plenary if one is held?

The conflict between end-to-end data integrity and middle-boxes that
insist on rewriting content.

* And should the IAB try to control microphone time, or is it
better to let people explain their views at whatever length that

While it shouldn't be necessary if people would make their points
succinctly, if the mic time is not controlled some people will just get
frustrated and leave without their opinions being heard.


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