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Re: get technical, please? , Re: Trees have one root

2002-07-30 22:05:16
actually returning multiple results doesn't work very well for
either email addresses or domains.  

it might look like it works for email addresses - and if the first
time you send to an email address, you get back a "sorry that was 
ambiguous" response and a list of possible alternatives, you might 
think this was acceptable.  on the other hand, if you're used to 
sending mail to a particular address or if mail is sent to that 
address via an automatic process, and suddenly the address becomes 
ambiguous, this does not make a good interface.

similarly, multiple responses for a domain lookup can work fairly well 
when there's a human in the feedback loop who can respond in real time 
and who knows enough about the nature of his request to be able to 
supply enough information to narrow down the choices to one.  but 
it doesn't solve the problem in general.


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