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Re: what the "scope" disagreement is about

2003-05-01 13:18:35
On Wed, 30 Apr 2003 15:09:22 EDT, Ofer Inbar said:

From what I have seen, those who think "local scope" is harmful, are
concerned about the ambuity of addresses, as Keith says here again.


They are NOT concerned about the fact that a given address may not be
reachable from some places, or may be reachable via different routes
from different places.  Or, rather, whether they're concerned about
that or not, it has nothing to do with their objections to locally
scoped addresses.

Yes, I'm concerned about reachability, and it *does* have something to
do with locally scoped addresses, but in an inverse fashion..

                   All of their objections to locally scoped addresses
seem to be about the fact that the addresses are ambiguous, not unique.
They have no objections to globally unique addresses that remain
"local" as far as routing and reachability.

The "inverse fashion" mentioned above - it's a LOT harder to diagnose a
problem when the remote end is handing you bogon debugging information.
Anybody else ever had to deal with the case where a 'traceroute' to a
dead host shows one path, but sending a TCP SYN packet gets back an
ICMP Host Unreachable from one RFC1918 space address complaining about
another 1918-space address, neither of which are in the traceroute? ;)

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