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Re: Proposal to define a simple architecture to differentiate legitimate bulk email from Spam (UBE)

2003-09-07 00:51:28
There are some false characterizations that I can not leave unrefuted in 

Mr. Moore contacted to ask me to sign a non-disclosure agreement

No I contacted you to ask if I could have access to the public IP data that is 
shared between all DCC servers.  I told you I would be using it to validate or 
invalidate an anti-spam algorithm I have devised.  And I told you that I did 
not want to reveal the algorithm to you.  You were skeptical so I said that the 
only way I could reveal more was under NDA.  Then you flipped out and even 
refused my further requests for clientID and password, which is (or was) 
advertised from your site to be a publicly available resource.  Go figure!

that I might learn how to make the DCC "effective" based on his new
"intellectual property."

I said that my algorithm could complement/improve the DCC by providing 
automatic whitelisting.  You interpreted that statement incorrectly.

I also said that the DCC must already be effective else you would not have so 
much market share.

 He was also interested in buying copies of
DCC data.

I said that if you weren't willing to give me the data you share publicly for 
free, then I would be willing to contribute to the DCC to pay for any effort to 
gather the data I needed.  You apparently misinterpreted my considerate and 
respectful demeanor as some attempt 
to buy you off.

 My responses started cool and eventually became as "overtly"
negative as I could without calling him names.


 I told him that he
had disclosed nothing of his intellectual property to me,

Agreed.  You signed no NDA, so why would I.  I did not need to.  I only needed 
to get some statistical data for testing an algorithm.  I offered that it might 
help in the overall fight against spam.  You could have been more respectful 
and cordial in declining my request.  Given I was only asking for data that is 
already public, it still makes no sense to me.  But no matter, I have moved on 
and devised a better plan to get data.

that there
is no plausible chance we might ever do any business,

I never wanted to do business and I told you that.  I only wanted to get some 
public data for testing.

that I wished
he would stop sending me mail, that I did not (and do not) want to
hear about his intellectual property, and that his lawyers should be
aware that my document retention policy for email is "forever in a
bank vault" and that I've been known to take formal notes during
telephone calls.

Which I obliged after telling you I hate attorneys and I don't have any.

If I had an attorney, I wouldn't be allowed to post in the IETF mailing list.  
Just go read the IP release for posting to the mailing list.

 Perhaps Mr. Moore's harping on his "intellectual
property" and an NDA sent me into a raving paranoid break,

You were harping on how skeptical you were and I was just trying to convince 
you I had something important while also saying I could not reveal IP.  It 
would seem to me that if you have public data and you are devoting your life to 
fighting spam, then you would do as much useful work as you possibly can with 
that data.  But any way, that is your problem, not mine.  I've moved on.

but many
of us know real life stories that started similarly and turned out
poorly from some points of view.

How many of us get killed in automobile accidents (top 3 killer), yet we still 
drive.  And IP is not deadly.  No logical comparison statistically.

He sent a few more messages after my request that he stop, but eventually

I know the technique.  Make a bunch of false statements then demand no replies 
in hopes you have a case in future.  I had an obligation to set record straight 
for my email file before quitting.  I told you exactly what I was doing.

 If this triggers more, I'll file them with the others, not in
file 13 but in that bank vault.  Media's cheap today.

Please do.  More chance to make sure the record is clear.  Too bad you had to 
do it in public which compels me to respond in public.  But I only need this 
one post.  You can post any response and there is no need for me to respond 
again.  All crucial false claims by you in public have been refuted.

I'm writting this only to urge caution.  Some people are innocent and
well meaning and only appear otherwise to us paranoids (split personality
and delusions of royal or editorial grandeur as well).  Other people
really are dangerous.

So are cars.

 A few years dealing with spammers or with
patents and intellectual property experts should make anyone spooky.

Yes I can imagine that.  <joke>I will like see "them" come to where I am 
currently (remember I told you I was temporarily out of the USA), a place where 
the only law is my relative who will knock them off for mere $100 or a pig and 
few bottles of beer. :)

I realize the most dangerous people don't seem dangerous.  Maybe that
proves Mr. Moore's virtue, or not.

Thanks.  You will eventually realize I am harmless except to spammers.

I hope I don't need to go read about that automatic white listing
and so forth.  I find Mr. Moore's technical writing as inpenetrable
and painful to read as my own.  For now I'll assume that the IETF
archives provide sufficient protection.

Please do not.  My businesses are irrelevant to this proposal.  I made a 
proposal to try to delineate legitimate bulk email from UBE.  That is all.

Please notice my resolute failure to ask about that weakness.  I've
no clue what Mr. Moor's intellecutal property is, except that I suspect
it is similar to some ideas related to counting mail from IP addresses
mentioned by others in public...and conveniently archived by Google.

No comment.

I hope the fact that every time I turn around I bump into another
person demanding attention for the Ultimate Wonderful Final Perfect
Solution to The Spam Problem is a good sign instead of a perverted
maturation of the anti-spam industry.

Well either you are lot smarter (experienced) than me, or that seems like the 
comment of an embedded skeptic.  They say if we do the same thing for too long, 
our brain or anything we utilize become unable to do or view other things with 
an open mind.

In closing, let by gones be gone.  I have no more ill feelings towards what 
transpired between us.  I will merely prove you wrong. :)

Damn it is a small world.  I had no idea I would run into you here.

Shelby Moore

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