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Re: a note about the scenarios

2004-09-24 19:25:21
John C Klensin <john-ietf(_at_)jck(_dot_)com> wrote:
Suppose that, as a result,
we end up with no meetings for six months or a year, no
organized support for the IESG, and lots of us scrambling around
to try to maintain mailing lists and archives on a volunteer
basis.  Would the IETF pull through?  Maybe.
Or maybe not? In which case, I think the question could also be asked
as to whether anyone (other than ourselves, of course) would *miss* us
after we're gone...
Maybe I'm wrong, but I get the sense that the general populous has been
and is continuing to get snowed under with way too much verbiage on this
subject to derive any kind of an informed opinion. Any ideas on how it can
all be distilled into a paragraph or two?
Thanks - Fred
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