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A new technique to anti spam

2004-10-23 05:18:43
Email traditional technique\'s working flow:
1.Sender sends his email to sender\'s smtp server for his client computer by 
2.Sender\'s smtp server sends the email to the receiver\'s smtp server by 
3.Receiver\'s smtp server moves the email to the pop3 server(/or imap server/or 
web server)
4.Receiver gets the email from the pop3 server by pop3

To anti spam by using a new technique call \"anti-spam by macroeffect\"
New technique\'s working flow:
1.Sender sends his email to sender\'s smtp server for his client computer by 
2.Sender\'s smtp server communicates with receiver\'s smtp server to test if 
the receiver\'s uses the new technique. if is,the 

sender\'s left the email on \"Full-content Email\" server.At the same time,it 
creates a email-pointer pointing to the email.(if 

the result of testing is the receiver\'s can\'t support the new one, then 
sender\'s transfer email by using tranditional tech)
3.Sender\'s smtp server sends email-pointer to the receiver\'s smtp server by 
4.Receiver\'s smtp server moves email-pointer to the pop3 server(/or imap 
server/or web server)
5.Receiver gets the email-pointer from the pop3 server by pop3
6.According to email-pointer,receiver downloads the email from the 
\"Full-content Email\" server after identifying the 

authority of the \"Full-content Email\" server\'s IP address.

Teh characteristics of the new technique:
1.compatible with the traditional technique,coming from RFC 1869
2.To limit the sender\'s send-box(not only receive-box),because the email\'s 
body stores there.
3.Receivers receive only the email-pointer.if spam,to delete it can save the 
Internet flux(reducing network bandwidth)

The advantages of the new technique:
1.As a receiver,you first judges the useful of the email by simple 
information(email-pointer:subject,from,to and etc).if 

is,you can refuse it to forbid download the body of the email(reducing the 
Internet flux)
2.As a receiver,sometimes you judges it\'s spam after you download the body to 
read.You also can refuse it.Because the email\'s 

body occupys the sender\'s send-box,it stops the sender to send a new email 
after he emptys his send-box.(As a spammer,he want 

to maximize the effects of the junk-mails.He wishs most of the receivers read 
the junk-mail.But he can\'t judge if the 

receiver has no time to read or the receiver refuse it after reading it,because 
the status of both are same.The spammer check 

the stauts of the junk,if it\'s UNREAD.He must need a decision to delete it to 
get more room to send new junk to new receiver 

OR keep it to wish the receiver read in a day or two.If the spammer chooses the 
later,it means the older email occputies the 

send-box,so he can not send as many junk as he slow the speed of 
spam-making.If the spammer choose the former,that 

means the junk mail has been deleted before it take effect by self)
3.As a sender,you can know if your email has been read.Because the body of the 
email was left on your send-box,after the 

receiver download it and accept it(if spam,the receiver can refuse it),you can 
check the status of email on send-box.The 

status are only READ or UNREAD.\"The receiver downloads and accepts it\" makes 
the status READ,and \"the receiver has no time to 

read or the receiver set it spam\" makes the status UNREAD.If the receiver has 
not read the email,you can modify your email to 

make sure you can express your true willing.(The email has been send,but you 
can modify before receiver read it)
Of cause,if you configure that system can delete the READ emails automatically 
for you.

The specifications of the new technique(detail of the specifications):

1.How to create the email-pointer?
Separate the email into body and header.Get the header plus a email-location to 
create the email-pointer.That it is,the 

email-pointer only has header and no body.
For example:a simple email-pointer can be(between BEGIN and END)
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 00:08:23 +0100
Subject:This is a test


2.What is the structure of the email-location?
It\'s in the header.Combine with the IP,port of \"Full-content Email\" 
server,and id,md5,size of the email and other params.
For example:a simple email-location can be

3.The session between both new tech email servers

       S: <listening tcp/25>
       C: <connecting>
       S: 220 SMTP service ready
       C: EHLO
       S: says hello
       S: 250-EXPN
       S: 250-HELP
       S: 250-8BITMIME
       S: 250-XONE
       S: 250-XVRB
       S: 250 XMPTR
Email server return \"XMPTR\" means it supports new tech

       S:<listening tcp/25>
       S:220 SMTP service ready
       C:EHLO says hello
       S:250 XMPTR
       C:mail from: \"Jimy\"<jimy(_at_)abc(_dot_)com> 
       S:250 ok
       C:rcpt to: \"test\"<test(_at_)fjau(_dot_)com> 
       S:250 ok
       S:250 ok
       S:354 go ahead
       C:Subject: test
        Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 10:48:45 +0800
        X-Priority: 3
        X-Mailer: Mymail 1.0 beta
        MIME-Version: 1.0
      S:250 ok 1095737744 sh 20053

Notes:If server dones\'t supports new tech,just do it as traditional server.

4.How to download the full email content from \"Full-content Email\" server?
To setup a server listening on tcp/9110,it supports such commands as below
(1)timeout n
the first command,to setup timeout time.The parameter \"n\" must be 
numeric,that means n seconds timeout.
return +OK means success,-ERR means failure and then only accept \"quit\" 
This command is not optional.

(2)id s
The parameter \"s\" is from email-location.It\'s stand for the email\'s id.
This command can be used more than once,but only the last one be accepted.
return +OK menas being accepted

(3)md s
The parameter \"s\" is from email-location.It\'s stand for the email\'s md5
Both id and md verifys the only email.
This command can be used only once.
return +OK menas being verified
return -ERR menas the email you want doesn\'t exists(Maybe the sender already 
deleted it or your inputting be error)

(4)size n
The parameter \"n\" is from\'s the size of the email
return +OK means correct
return -ERR means error
This command is optional

No parameter.
return the full content of the email and end with <LRCF>.<LRCF>
After all content be sent,system trigger timeout start to count down

No parameter.
This command tures the status of email from UNREAD to READ.
if after timeout user still does\'t send \"accept\" commant,system accept the 
email automatically.

No parameter.
This command tures the status of email to UNREAD.
If user found the junk mail,user can send refuse within timeout ,even user has 
sent accept before.

(8)top n
The parameter \"n\" means to download top n lines of email body excluding email 
header and end with <LRCF>.<LRCF>
if n equal to zero,it means user only download email header.
This command doesn\'t let system trigger timeout start to count down.
Notes:the email\'s default status is UNREAD

No parameter.
end the session.

5.How to avoid the cracker make fake email-pointer pointing to the spammer\'s 
\"Full-content Email\" server?
Assume all email providers will not wish their user be spammer.
They wish provide not only a smtp server but also a \"Full-content Email\" 
server that let the receivers refuse the spam.
The spammers can\'t make spam if they don\'t empty their send-box.Of cause the 
providers will be famed for \"doesn\'t sent spam 

forwardly\",and also save bandwidth.
If this hypothesis was founded,we force every email provider to register IP of 
his \"Full-content Email\" server relating with 

his smtp server.We gather all IPs and setup a distributed database shared in 
the Internet.To make sure every receiver verify 

the IP of \"Full-content Email\" server before download the email body.

6.How to save a copy of the email after you down the email body from 
\"Full-content Email\" server,so you can see the email 

both in the office and at home?
Using a \"download email proxy\".The proxy is also provided by your email 
provider.It download the email body according the 

email-pointer and save a copy into your receive-box.

7.How the \"download email proxy\" works?
It\'s easy to understand if you use a web-client.
We explain how a email-client(mail user agent) work with the proxy.
(1)The receiver judge the spam directly (without download the email) and refuse 
it.At the same time the proxy sends \"refuse\" 

to \"Full-content Email\" server.
(2)The receiver judge the spam and refuse it after read it.At the same time the 
proxy download the email  and save a copy 

into his receive-box and then sends \"refuse\" and delete the copy too.
(3)The receiver read the mail(not a junk mail).At the same time the proxy 
download the email and save a copy into his 

(4)The receiver read the mail(not a junk mail) and delte it.At the same time 
the proxy download the email  and save a copy 

into his receive-box and then delete the copy too.
Notes:Before download the email,the proxy must verify the IP by querying 
Database shared in the Internet.

8.How the sender manager his send-box?
(Such as modify his email or check the status of the emails)
The ESP(Email service provider) provides smtp server,pop3 server,\"Full-content 
Email\" server and \"download email proxy\" 

Traditional pop3 server can only manager user\'s receive-box.
New tech expands the function of POP3 server and make it supports to manager 
user\'s send-box.
(1)cd s|r
cd s means change directory to send-box
cd r means change directory to receive-box
default directory is receive-box
return +OK or -ERR

(2)status n
The parameter \"n\" is the index of mail in send-box.
return +OK 0 means UNREAD
return +OK 1 means READ
return +OK 2 means the email doesn\'t support this command.(There are two kinds 
of email in user\'s receive-box,one is that the 

new tech server send the email-pointer to another new tech server and left the 
email-content there.The other is that the new 

tech server send the email to a tranditional server and save a copy there.The 
later emails don\'t support this command)
return -ERR means something wrong  

(3)replace n
The parameter \"n\" is the index of mail in send-box.
return +OK to wait for inputting the new email content which end with  
return -ERR means something wrong.
if user finished inputting,return +OK to accepte the new email content or 
return -ERR means something wrong.


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