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Re: IDN security violation? Please comment

2005-02-10 15:51:36

--On torsdag, februar 10, 2005 10:49:50 -0500 Bruce Lilly <blilly(_at_)erols(_dot_)com> wrote:

1. I have in mind a keyboard on a certain device which has
   support for protocols which use domain names (HTTP, SMTP/
   Internet Message Format, VPIM).  It has a keyboard which
   is at best inconvenient for entry of ASCII text. Unicode
   "text" (see below for an explanation of the scare quotes)
   is unthinkable.  That device is a cell phone.

Note that the SMS service is popular in Asia too - and there, the characters sent are definitely not ASCII.

No, I have no idea how they type them - but they do.

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