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Re: UN plans to take over our job!

2005-09-30 16:10:49
    > From: Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer(_at_)nic(_dot_)fr>

    > IP address allocation (the real subjects of the discussion at the WSIS)
    > are not managed by IETF so we have nothing to win or lose here.

Actually, we do, at least in the case of IP addresses. If some WSIS-blessed
bureacracy decides to make IP addresses "portable" (like phone numbers in a
number of jurisdictions), the technical people will be in deep do-do. (And of
course that issue is 100% the same in IPv4/6, since the semantics of IPv4/6
addresses are basically the same, as are the routing [path-selection]
mechanisms in both.)


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