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RE: On PR-actions, signatures and debate

2005-10-06 23:23:22
Toleration of disagreement has almost nothing to do with it.  
Instead, it's more a matter of signal to noise ratio on a 
limited bandwidth channel.  If you fill up a list with 
ignorant drivel, people who don't have time to deal with 
drivel will go away, leaving the list to those who produce 
the drivel. 
That's the problem.  I've seen it happen many times. 

Kent Crispin

I really, really don't want to get into another one of these, but let's be
clear - no matter what you say, no matter how long you say it for, and no
matter who agrees with you, Anthony is right and you are not.  Let me
clarify - I absolutely am not commenting on the whole signal to noise ratio
thing.  I am not at all trying to tell anyone what a reasonable amount of
noise is for them to handle.

What I'm saying is, if this were Lord of The Flies some of you would be the
one who kills Piggy.


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