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email "Common Operating Group"

2005-11-14 10:42:33

Bill Sommerfeld wrote:

I like Keith's terms MON / MRN (mail originating / receiving
networks) better, because seen as sets of systems they can be
different.  An outsourced backup MX would be still a part of
the "MRN" (if I got this right), but not belong to the same
"COG".  MUAs also belong to one or more MONs / MRNs, but not
necessarily to the same "COG" as the correponding MSA / MDA.


1. Having the term refer to either origination or reception means we need multiple terms. I am seeking a single term.

2. Having the termr efer to either origination or reception ignores transit operations. The term needs to cover those activities, too.

3. Whether an outsourced activity falls under the administrative policies of the client or the operator is an interesting question, and not one with an obvious answer. So the common term needs to permit either answer.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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