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Re: Diagrams (Was RFCs should be distributed in XML)

2005-11-14 14:16:46

  *> Bob Braden wrote:
  *> >   *>  
  *> >   *> > It just struck me as odd that people were grousing about ASCII's
  *> >   *> appearance when PDF is available.  
  *> >   *> 
  *> >   *> People will stop complaining when the ASCII version is allowed to sa
  *> >   *> "see diagram in the PDF version".
  *> >   *> 
  *> >   *> Y(J)S
  *> >   *> 
  *> > 
  *> > Huh?  That has always been allowed.  What am I missing?
  *> Please can we be quite clear on this - for the record:
  *> I can include a normative diagram in the .pdf version of an RFC
  *> (that is too complex to produce in ASCII art), and say in the
  *> normative text of the ASCII version the diagram you need to
  *> implement this protocol is in the .pdf version of this RFC?

No, the .ps/.pdf is not allowed to be normative.

Bob Braden

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