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RE: The IETF Trust License is too restricted

2005-12-05 07:31:56

Behalf Of Simon Josefsson

The text in section 9.5 appear to me to make it permanently 
impossible to incorporate portions of RFC in both free or 
proprietary products.

I believe the requirement to give up all rights to derivative 
works of the IETF IPR would be unacceptable to the Debian and 
FreeBSD community.  They are not in a legal position to grant 
the Trust all rights to derivative works of the work that 
include portions of RFCs.

That raises a question that I have not seen answered yet.

What is the purpose of the trust if not to attempt to prevent
unauthorized derrivative works?

Today it is possible to make a proposal to IETF process, have that WG
implode (e.g. MARID) and then take the specification to an alternative

This might appear to some to be a good idea. In practice however the
parties that might do such a thing are the parties that begin a
standards process by asking the question 'what forum should we choose?'.
It would be a very bad idea for the IETF to attempt to make that choice

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