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RE: Multinational Internet or Balkanization?

2006-03-04 19:11:05
From: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin [mailto:jefsey(_at_)jefsey(_dot_)com] 

I do not understand what Phillips means?

a complex number has a real and an imaginary part, and the imaginary 
part is denoted with a "j" (well, engineers use "j", mathematicians 
tend to use "i").  Phillip noted that MIT could use complex 
numbers for internal use without impacting worldwide 
telephone routing, 
since they'd use an orthogonal name space.

OK. I use "i". I never thought Philips considered "complex numbers" 
because it would means he has absolutely not understood the set-up. 
And, if one was able to pick it immediately I thought he 
would be that one!

Please do not mistake a lack of understanding for sarcasm, ridicule and

MIT is an engineering university which is why I specified j.

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