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Please make the madness stop (was: a whole bunch of flames)

2006-09-12 04:15:11
Hoping against hope that this might be the last post in the thread, but one never knows...

I'm following up to Carl's note, but I'm speaking to the community.

IMHO, fighting the messenger is not the proper solution to the

The messenger accused the IETF chair of lying.  That is totally
inappropriate behavior.


We are not very far away from the NomCom 2006-2007 call for nominations. That means a couple of things.

First, continued flaming away is wasted. Andrew and the NomCom will have more opportunity to influence things than any of the rest of us have BY POSTING TO THIS LIST. The entire community will have an opportunity to provide NomCom feedback on Brian, half of the IESG, half of the IAB, and one of the two IAOC members. That feedback will have far more impact on who serves, and does not serve, in IETF leadership than anything anyone posts to this mailing list.

Second, I agree with Carl that the level of reasoned discourse in these threads has achieved a totally inappropriate level. If you are hoping to replace some or all of the current leadership, it would be a lot easier to do this with a large and healthy pool of nominees who are willing to serve, and flaming away at a high rate on the current incumbents will likely shrink that candidate pool. Please don't do that.

If one or more members of the leadership needs to be replaced, and NomCom returns them because no one else was willing to sign up for the current level of attacks and abuse, we all lost.

If one or more members of the leadership needs to be returned, and they are replaced because they were unwilling to be called liars, we all lost.

If NomCom had the largest slate of qualified nominees who were willing to serve that we've ever had - both incumbents and new nominees - that would be a really good ending to this conversation. Could everyone focus their abundant energies in that direction?


Spencer, who is violating a commitment to myself that I would not post on process topics...

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