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Re: Extending the Dean Anderson PR-action to lists on

2009-04-21 08:03:33
"Fred" == Fred Baker <fred(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com> writes:

    Fred> On Apr 17, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Sam Hartman wrote:

My question is whether treating aliases as IETF lists
    >> is reasonable policy.

    Fred> And I would say that yes, they are IETF lists. For example,
    Fred> the tracker sends email through them. They are used by
    Fred> IETFers (well, by me at least) to get stuff to the right
    Fred> people without having to sort out who is the right AD/WG
    Fred> Chair/Author for a given email.

Fred, you seem to be focusing on whether they are IETF.  I hope we all agree on 
I am  questioning whether they were lists:-) in the sense that we use the term 
in our policies.

I think they are close to lists, but not entirely the same.
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