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Re: Legality of IETF meetings in PRC. Was: Re: Request for community guidance on issue concerning a future meeting of the IETF

2009-10-11 13:42:08

Then I am afraid you really misread my comments. There are indeed 
folks who are suggesting that China should be avoided for political
reasons (see the list for examples, I see no need to repeat it here), 
and I would characterize that as a boycott.

This is completely separate from the discussion about the hotel 
contract and legal provisions, unless that was unclear. 

In other words, we may decide that we cannot hold a normal meeting in 
China due to laws or contract language or any other "normal criteria 
for meetings", but I am a lot less certain about what political 
criteria we could agree on for avoiding any country. I am not saying 
we can't have that discussion, but I am saying that it becomes a lot 
less clear who "we" are given the large and growing number of 
participants from the country in question.

I have been largely speaking for myself. The original statement from 
Marshall does have phrases like "the IAOC believes..." but as I 
explained previously, no final decision has been made, and whatever
snapshot of opinion was taken 3 weeks ago isn't necessarily accurate
today. I do take your point. Consider everything I've said so far as 
my personal opinion, based on what I know and my experience in 
attending meetings in China.


Ole J. Jacobsen
Editor and Publisher,  The Internet Protocol Journal
Cisco Systems
Tel: +1 408-527-8972   Mobile: +1 415-370-4628
E-mail: ole(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com  URL:

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009, Michael StJohns wrote:

Hi Ole - 

Sorry, but I read your comments as partisan as well.  I took the use 
of "boycott" and "what sort of message would we be sending" in your 
recent messages as a clear bias in favor of going to the PRC.

I'm not all that bothered about it per se, but it has been hard to 
tell when its Ole the individual as opposed to Ole the IAOC member 


At 12:39 PM 10/11/2009, Ole Jacobsen wrote:
If that was aimed at me, then let me state for the record that I have
not attempted to argue for or against the proposal, just tried to 
clarify what I think the issues are and what the underlying issues 
might be with respect to holding a meeting in China. If my statements
were read otherwise, then I apologize.

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