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Re: The point is to change it: Was: IPv4 depletion makes CNN

2010-06-02 10:51:21
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Ned Freed 
<ned(_dot_)freed(_at_)mrochek(_dot_)com> wrote:

As I've stated previously, I believe the main piece that's missing is a
SOHO-grade router that has full IPv6 support, 6to4 support, full
IPv4/NAT/firewall support, plus a readonably intuitive GUI to administer it
all. If such a product exists I continue to be unaware of it.


That is my conclusion as well.

But the basic principle for me is that I have to put no effort into
this changeover at all as a network admin. Its got to be no more than
a replacement of one gateway box with another.

Expecting more is futile as the power users are not going to be early
adopters for single stack IPv6. We are the ones who are going to want
IPv4 connectivity the longest. The target market for IPv6 has to be
the less demanding users for whom a full IPv6 connection and a NAT-ed
IPv4 are going to serve perfectly well.

I am not going to tell any of my friends or family to move to IPv6
unless it is absolutely guaranteed to be painless. Otherwise I am
going to be the one doing long distance tech support.

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