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Re: Why ask for IETF Consensus on a WG document?

2011-06-25 08:17:20
SM <sm(_at_)resistor(_dot_)net> wrote:

Assuming that there was rough consensus (I agree with you that it was 
not rough at all), the document would still not satisfy the following 

  "It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by
   the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG)."

   I actually don't know whether the intent is to attach that boilerplate:
it certainly isn't present in the I-D.

   I quite agree that -6to4-to-historic doesn't satisfy such a statement;
and I don't believe the IESG process for Informational track documents
gives any assurance of "consensus of the IETF community".

   In the interests of truth in advertising, perhaps we should be
looking towards boilerplate more like:
" This document represents the consensus of the V6OPS WG...

   (Disclaimer: I date from when RFCs didn't claim any sort of consensus;
and I'd be happier if we simply avoided such claims on Informational
track RFCs.)

John Leslie <john(_at_)jlc(_dot_)net>
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