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Re: Draft IESG Statement on Removal of an Internet-Draft from the IETF Web Site

2012-09-10 14:07:44
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 11:26:29AM -0700, 
ned+ietf(_at_)mauve(_dot_)mrochek(_dot_)com wrote:

No, the response is that we refer you to our policy.  As an open
organization we do not remove information once posted, except under
extraordinary circumstances.

Exactly. This sort of thing is wh a policy is needed

I attempted to hint at it already in this thread, but frankly, this
sort of thing is why a policy _is not_ needed.  The IESG has that
discretion already, and I would prefer to trust their judgement than
to write a policy governing all future action, thereby running the
risk that we'll have overlooked something and having a resulting
problem with policies down the road.

I do not understand this nearly constitutional obsession with writing
down policies for everything we do and don't do.  It turns us into a
bureaucratic process slaves for no benefit I can see.



Andrew Sullivan

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