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Re: Diversity of IETF Leadership

2013-03-19 08:00:04

On Mar 12, 2013, at 2:24 PM, Dan Harkins <dharkins(_at_)lounge(_dot_)org> wrote:

 I'd love to get out of this rat hole. Perhaps the signatories of the
open letter can restate the problem they see so it isn't made in terms of
race and gender.

The letter specifically mentioned the axes of race, gender, geographic location 
and corporate affiliation, so the letter was not only about race and gender.  
Other people have mentioned other pertinent axes in the e-mail discussion, such 
as industry segment and background/experience.

I don't think it is possible for remove race and gender from the list of axes, 
though, since there is a notable lack of diversity in those areas.


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