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Re: call for ideas: tail-heavy IETF process

2013-05-15 09:35:36

On 5/14/2013 4:03 PM, Ted Lemon wrote:
The whole point of a DISCUSS is to have a discussion.

The *whole* point of a DISCUSS is to hold a document in IETF review until a discussion is *resolved*.

There are thus three parts:
        - having a discussion
        - pausing the document
        - waiting for resolution

Nothing limits the IESG to having a "discussion" by issuing a DISCUSS; they can issue COMMENTs in any position and simply ask for a dialogue.

Because DISCUSS includes these other properties, it influences authors to make changes simply to make a DISCUSS go away, due to pressure by the IESG or their own ADs.

That's why they need to be used only where that pressure is appropriate and not inappropriate; that's the reason there are both DISCUSS and NON-DISCUSS criteria, and why it's very important for those in IESG review to hold the IESG to that distinction.
