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Re: Berlin was awesome, let's come again

2013-08-02 08:31:46

Many countries let you claim VAT paid as you leave.
If we organized ourselves, then the whole issue of VAT could be neutral to
non-EC attendees.  EC-attendees, likely can claim the VAT paid anyway.

I just wish travel in the summer to Europe wasn't so expensive, and that the
week didn't so often run right into the August long weekend, which for me, is
a family weekend of the summer.   It was the combination of the cost and the
family impact that kept me from travelling.
(Toronto next summer is a week earlier, and Prague in 2015 almost two weeks 

I'm glad to hear that the venue worked so well.

Michael Richardson <mcr+IETF(_at_)sandelman(_dot_)ca>, Sandelman Software Works

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