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Re: Community Feedback: Turning off monthly IETF mailing list password reminder emails

2013-11-03 12:32:25

Or only send the reminders for lists which haven't sent any traffic for
the past week or so. This would reduce the load for the big busy lists,
but keep folks aware of the dormant lists.

On Sun, 3 Nov 2013, Sandy Wills wrote:

I've been mostly a lurker here, but those monthly emails do serve a useful
purpose.  Would the programming be very difficult to only send it out if there
was a _change_ in subscription status?  That would return these emails to
being signal, instead of being part of the noise.

On 11/3/2013 4:19 AM, Riccardo Bernardini wrote:
No objection to turning it off.  Actually, it would save me a "delete"
once a month.

On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 6:19 AM, Carsten Bormann <cabo(_at_)tzi(_dot_)org> 
1) Yes, please turn the reminders off.

Since Mailman has the ability to do on-demand requests for password
reset and subscription information for each mailing list, there is an
alternative method to the current bulk sending of subscription
information that the community can use.

2) If there is an easy way to obtain a list which mailing lists I?m
currently subscribed to (beyond looking for the last password reminder
mail), it is not documented very well.  Since mailman often drops
subscribers after bouts of bounces, it is occasionally useful to compare
that list to what you think it should be when such bouts end.

Gr??e, Carsten

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