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Re: https at

2013-11-29 23:18:32
On Nov 05, 2013, at 20:45, Eric Burger <eburger(_at_)standardstrack(_dot_)com> 

Because would not someone retrieving an RFC want to know it really came from 
the IETF, especially when it says
  The protocol MUST provide provisions for lawful intercept and
  MUST post a notification when traitorous speech is detected.


And, don’t we need to eat our own dog food?

I went for the eat our own dog food a while ago.   You might have noticed the 
new IETF servers support TLS 1.2 ;)


On Nov 5, 2013, at 8:35 PM, David Morris <dwm(_at_)xpasc(_dot_)com> wrote:

I don't see reason to use https for delivery of public documents such
as RFCs and Internet Drafts. All that would really accomplish is
reduce caching opportunities.

On Tue, 5 Nov 2013, Tim Bray wrote:

Wouldn?t it be a good idea for everything at * to be served by
HTTPS, and only by HTTPS?

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