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Re: draft naming was RE: anti-harassment procedures

2014-02-20 17:18:03

--On Thursday, February 20, 2014 21:22 +0000 

An annoying trend:

                   IETF Anti-Harassment Procedures

should have been farrel-resnick
When trying to locate drafts by author name, or pick up on
primary authors for indexing, or indicate drafts from memory,
this cutesiness really doesn't help.

Actually, if we were following the historical and IMO very
useful rules, it would be either "draft-farrel-harassment..." or
"draft-resnick-harassment...".   The difficulty with adding
multiple author names becomes obvious as soon as there are three
or four authors.

I've often wished that the submission tool would check a table
for a small number of organizational tags (ietf, iab, etc.) and,
if the first string after "draft-" didn't appear there, check it
against the first author name.  It would be fairly easy to
verify that "draft-ietf-" was followed immediately by a
short-form WG name too.  If documents that didn't satisfy those
criteria went to manual posting and required an explanation to
the secretariat, I think the cutesiness would mostly stop in a
hurry.  If would also stop "draft-<made-up-organization>-..."
which, IMO, would be a real service to the community.
