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Re: "Archived-At" headers

2014-03-14 15:18:10
On 15/03/2014 03:09, Eggert, Lars wrote:
On 2014-3-14, at 14:01, Bjoern Hoehrmann <derhoermi(_at_)gmx(_dot_)net> wrote:
If we take the Web as 25 years old, then Internet Explorer 6 is part of
the first half of the Web's existance. You are 13 years and five major
revisions behind and have reasonable alternatives available; you should
not expect constant reminders.


IE6 is now less than 0.25% of web requests. Adding any sort of support for it 
is pointless.

Agreed, but on the other hand, using only a simple subset of HTML
may make a lot of sense for a variety of reasons. However, that
probably belongs on the IAOC Revamp thread.
