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Re: IAOC Seeks Community Input on IETF Website Revamp SOW

2014-03-23 15:24:20
On Mar 23, 2014, at 12:58 PM, David Morris <dwm(_at_)xpasc(_dot_)com> wrote:
Another enemy of usability is frequent reorganization of commonly
used pages.  If one must always look for commonly used links
because they move around, efficiency suffers. In my observation,
attempting to achieve high density results in more frequent

This is true, although only relevant to the extent that we expect the site to 
get frequent use by IETF regulars.

Backward navigation is critical. If you make the wrong choice,
perhaps because your finger didn't touch the correct place
on the screen, going back must be easy. This can be achieved
by taking care to insure that the browser back button will
always work, OR always having a reverse navigation element
on every page.

I would second this, however I can't imagine a reason why the IETF web site 
would need controls that would prevent the back button from working, so I think 
we should just say "the back button must work" and leave it at that.