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Time to move beyond the 32 bit Internet.

2014-06-24 10:41:23
This might be a random thought, but one of the main problems we have as an
organization is getting people to take deployment of IETF specs seriously.
Particularly when they are enhancements of existing specs that work 'well
enough' for existing users.

While going through the Windows API calls and thinking how old fashioned
and lame all those 'Win32' classes look now, a sudden thought:

Ordinary users don't understand the importance of going from IPv4 to IPv6.

But Ordinary users do understand that 32 bits is bad and old and obsolete
and rubbish and 64 bits is better.

So lets stop asking ISPs 'do you support IPv6' and instead ask 'Is your
Internet service 32 bit or 128'?

This might sound a trivial matter but I can assure you its not. Banging on
about how the wealthy Wall Street types got a bailout during Bush's fiscal
crisis got nowhere. "The wealth of the 1% or the welfare of the 99%" had
real effect.