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Re: Time to move beyond the 32 bit Internet.

2014-06-24 17:05:41
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

While going through the Windows API calls and thinking how old fashioned
and lame all those 'Win32' classes look now, a sudden thought:

Ordinary users don't understand the importance of going from IPv4 to IPv6.

But Ordinary users do understand that 32 bits is bad and old and obsolete
and rubbish and 64 bits is better.

Experienced users know painfully well just how smooth and painless
32-bit (windows) and 32-bit IPv4 is, whereas newer 64-bit (windows)
and newer 128-bit IPv6 is just many painful problems and ZERO benefit.

A lot of the equipment that me and my family is using is not IPv6 capable,
and *ALL* Software that I've used so far (Linux, WinXP, Win7) runs
***MUCH*** better when configured with IPv4-only anyway, so why bother.

If someone needs to be pushed, then it is *VENDORS*, not users,
that they ship their equipment in a fashion that it will work with IPv6,
should this ever become available.  Then maybe in 10 years from now,
this might become interesting to end users.
