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Re: gmail users read on... [bozo subtopic]

2014-08-29 16:49:04
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Brian E Carpenter <
brian(_dot_)e(_dot_)carpenter(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:

Exactly. Since I switched to gmail for IETF traffic, I have changed
employers, retired, un-retired and moved countries three times, with
a stable email environment and no need to fight any corporate or ISP
policies. The threat of DMARC hassle is the first real problem I've had.

I agree with Brian here. It's great having my IETF email stay in one place
and with my choice of email clients, no matter what else is happening
elsewhere. I've also got my gmail filters well-trained. I have noticed the
occasional DMARC-generated false spam positive, but it hasn't been out of
hand (yet).

From what I've read elsewhere, Mailman 2.1.18 mitigates the DMARC problem.
The IETF is currently using 2.1.15, so once the powers-that-be upgrade us
to 2.1.18, the problem may be solved.

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