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Re: Substantial nomcom procedure updates (Was: Re: Consolidating BCP 10 (Operation of the NomCom))

2014-09-16 12:58:56
On 9/16/14 10:37 AM, Mary Barnes wrote:
My statement was in no way an NIH response. I stated factually that the
issues being discussed are well known and they are challenging.  I also
noted that ICANN solved part of the problem covering travel expenses.
  In no way did I make any statement with regards to whether we ought to
talk to ICANN.

You also made no statement about your intention to contact ICANN and open a dialog with them. What you did do was attempt to demonstrate your thorough knowledge of the topic, as well as your familiarity with ICANN's solutions; which to me sounds like justification for NOT contacting them. Sounds pretty NIH'y to me, but I would be happy to be proven wrong.

So rather than accusing me of an ad hominem attack (which, FWIW, is also a form of ad hominem attack), why not simply address the question directly? Will you contact ICANN to open up a dialog, and if not, why not?


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