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Re: Strong objection to draft-ietf-WG-*.all noise levels

2015-02-10 04:21:37
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Resnick" <presnick(_at_)qti(_dot_)qualcomm(_dot_)com>
To: "Robert Sparks" <rjsparks(_at_)nostrum(_dot_)com>
Cc: <ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 10:49 PM
On 2/9/15 2:11 PM, Robert Sparks wrote:
I _think_ the conversation you need to be having to address your
objection is with the IESG on the decision to add the group to the
default notification list.

That's fair. Speaking as one of the folks involved in the change:

The IESG, in part at the behest of the community, wanted to (by
make sure that IESG ballots were copied to the WG mailing list instead
of being a private conversation between the authors, the chairs, and
IESG, invisible to anyone else in the community. Seeing the ballots
always be turned off on a case-by-case basis, but it seemed better to
have that as default instead of having to remember to turn it on on a
case-by-case basis.

I think that the workings of the IETF are much improved by being better
informed as to what the IESG is doing and when.  I note too that what I
see varies by WG so someone, WG Chair or AD, is doing something
selective in this area.

I prefer to be told - I can always delete the
e-mail which, given the structure of the IETF WGs, is something I have
to do a lot of anyway.  I am rarely interested in everything a WG
takes up, sometimes only a third of the adopted I-Ds (apps-discuss and
v6ops come to mind as having a particularly broad palette).  One or two
more deletions is neither here nor there (and sometimes it also serves
as a 'keepalive' on a quiet WG list -  saves me checking the archives to
see if I have been unwittingly unsubscribed :-).

So, strong support for the better informed WG, even when it means that I
have more e-mails to delete,

Tom Petch

Now, the mechanism used to accomplish that (adding the WG to the
alias, which in turn adds it to the .all alias) sends *all*
notifications regarding a document to the WG by default. Perhaps we
to change that.

Are there particular notifications that you *don't* want copied to the
WG? Or maybe more to the point, are there notifications that you *do*
want copied to the WG?

We'll work with the tools folks to make the right thing happen.


Pete Resnick<>
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. - +1 (858)651-4478