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Re: Updating BCP 10 -- NomCom ELEGIBILITY

2015-02-12 00:23:53
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 7:10 PM, Michael Richardson 

I'm confused how you came up with four years.

You said:

Once eligible, the rules for remaining eligible would be different.
I would propose something like having *contributed* to at least two
meetings in the past four

...and I remembered "years" instead of "meetings" for some reason.  Still,
the things you suggested as qualifying contributions don't account for some
other things that I would argue should qualify.  For instance:  Requiring
that I be the submitting author on a document that got WG time disregards
valuable documents that never needed in-person WG time.  The same goes for
the point about opening a ticket against a document that got WG time.

Even better, contributing to the IETF in meaningful ways is not always tied
to meetings.  Some working group chairs and editors do great work for WGs
that never even meet.  Nothing ever gets agenda time in those.

The speed with which something gets to AUTH48 isn't always reliable.  I'm
not sure making that a gating factor would work so well; I could lose my
eligibility just because some directorate review took way too long to come

To repeat: I recognize that we like the general idea here, and I agree.
I'm just having trouble coming up with ways to qualify that aren't
difficult to describe precisely and completely and don't needlessly exclude
people that probably should qualify.