
Re: [approved] problem with "more with this subject"

2002-10-29 17:53:58
On October 28, 2002 at 23:53, Eugene Eric Kim wrote:

I have another minor problem too: "bookmark link" doesn't work. When I
click on it, I get "Not found" (I don't mean a 404 code page, I actually
mean a page with only two words on it: "not" and "found" :P ).
"bookmark link" points to:

mesg.cgi generates this if it cannot find the message.  The 404 is
sent to the client, but the text "404" is not present in the body
of the response.

I wonder if there's some bug in mesg.cgi.  I have the same problem, and I 
haven't been able to track down why yet.

A trick is to call mesg.cgi from the shell so you can debug it.  For


If using csh/tcsh, you can do:


You may need to redirect stdout if you want to capture the output.

This will allow you to make edits with mesg.cgi for debugging purposes.
NOTE: You may want to edit a copy that is not accessible via the
web server since you do not want people hitting it while debugging.

Since mesg.cgi works for the lists and my private archives,
my guess it is a configuration problem.

I should note that mesg.cgi does depend on the namazu search index
files, so if you have an archive that has searching disabled, then
mesg.cgi will not work.

Since you are getting 404's, look in the script for the calls
to MHArc::CGI::print_not_found_error() to find spots in the script
to check.

If you find something out, please report back.


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