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Re: [Nmh-workers] show message number scrolls off terminal?

2015-02-08 06:51:39
ralph wrote:
Hi Ken,

after?  i suppose if your pager does the screen switch thing, then
it might appear to come after, but it's definitely being output

Oh, definitely, but the screen switching thing done by
curses/termcap/terminfo for xterm.  I thought it was pretty
standardized now

I turn it off.  Stupid idea.  I want what's displayed in less, vi, etc.,
to be left on the screen when I quit because it's often context for what
I want to continue to do at the command line.  One way is a personal

agreed.  i disable it too.  i've never understood why i would want to
hide data that i had just finished asking to be displayed.

(i also preserve what was on the screen before invoking vi with a small
wrapper that scrolls the screen by $LINES before actually invoking vi.)


~/.terminfo/x/xterm, another is less's -X option, which can be in $LESS,
`set t_ti= t_te=' in ~/.vimrc, etc.

Andy, `s' is less to type than `show', given ~/bin/s.  Same for p→pick,
n→next, b→prev.  Also gives the opportunity to apply some local tweaks,

    $ cat ~/bin/s
    #! /bin/bash

    [[ -t 1 ]] || noshow=-noshow

    exec show $noshow "$@"

Cheers, Ralph.

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 paul fox, pgf@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 22.5 degrees)

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