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Re: Is nmh suitable for managing multiple email accounts?

2021-03-06 09:56:09
Many years ago (when nmh was mh and back before MIME was a thing and
attachments were rare, so command line stuff was able to do 100% of my
email handling) I simply had two accounts on my UNIX system. One for me and
one for my alternate ID. There was some extra work involved keeping things
straight and/or tweaking configurations when I pushed out a configuration
change (say, more headers to hide), but it was minimal. The biggest
"gotcha" was the mental footwork to keep contexts separate (start dealing
with email in window 1 as me, get distracted, switch to window 2/alt
ID...). I technically had 3 such IDs (work at $employer, two personal), but
the work/non-work separation was physical (and ~1000 miles) while the other
two involved the same data store and infrastructure.

Using different UNIX accounts ensures 100% separation. You can do
everything under one ID in theory, but you'll spend a lot of effort/time
switching email IDs via different profiles. My opinion is that this will be
error prone unless one has a lot of self discipline.

On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 5:18 AM Tim Lee <progscriptclone@gmail.com> wrote:

I manage 3 email accounts: my computer's mail inbox (/var/mail/me), a
work email account (work@example.org) and a personal email account
(me@example.net). Can I use nmh to manage all three accounts?

I am new to nmh, and I am asking this because I noticed that the entire
book "MH & xmh: Email for Users & Programmers" seems to assume that the
use has only one email account. With Thunderbird and Mutt (or even GNU
Emacs' Gnus), it is easy to manage multiple multiple accounts. Does nmh
have easy support for multiple email accounts? If so, could you give a
high-level overview of how users typically do it?

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